This Group Accident Insurance plan, available through SCLEOA Benefits can assist with the unexpected cost of on or off the job accidents.  Benefits are paid directly to the member.  Coverage is available for Member, Member & Spouse, Member & Children and Family.  Members must be actively at work at least 20 hours per week at the participating agency.

 Some of the benefit highlights are:

1.   Coverage for On or Off the Job Accidents.
2.   Insurance policy is portable….paying the same rate which active members pay.
3.   Coverage on Base plan starts as low as $2.10/wk.   There is a very strong buy-up plan available...just ask us for details.
4.   Covered Accident Plan Includes…
         a.  $50 Emergency Room Treatment Benefit
         b.  $25 Initial Physician’s Office/Urgent Care Visit
         c.  $1,000 Hospital Admission benefit ($2,000 if directly to Intensive Care Unit)
         d.  $250/day Hospital Confinement benefit ($500/day for Intensive Care Unit)
         e.  Up to $500 / Surgery benefit (Abdominal or thoracic)
         f.  Burns up to $10,000 / Dislocations up to $4,000 / Fractures up to $5,000
         g.  Gunshot Wounds treated within a facility or by a physician covered up to $1,000
5.   Accidental Death of $100,000 Common Carrier /  $50,000 Other Cause (Children $20,000/$10,000)
6.   Catastrophic Accident Benefit of $50,000
7.   Enhanced Riders Availability
         a.  Annual $50 Health Screening Benefit for many covered testing
         b.  Sickness-Hospital Confinement Benefit of $100/day up to 30 days


 (Please refer to the brochure for more detailed explanation of benefits. The brochure provides a general description of the important features of the policy/certificate. This description and brochure are not the insurance contract.  Only the actual policy/certificate provisions will control.  Please refer to the certificate for details regarding applicable benefit/coverage exclusions.)

SCLEOA 65201708178:24hour-9221-SC-Silver-Custom

SCLEOA 24hr Accident Coverage

For Members of SCLEOA and its Partners
